Welcome to 101 Line Marking Perth! We are a company based out of Perth, Western Australia that specializes in delivering exceptional thermoplastic line marking services. With our expertise and attention to detail, we ensure precise and durable line markings for your car park.

Durability is the difference.

What’s the difference between traditional line marking paint and thermoplastic? Durability.

Thermoplastic is used on our main roads and intersections all over Perth and is rated for hundreds and thousands of passes from trucks, buses and cars, complying with the Australian Standardmaking it the perfect long-lasting choice for your carpark.

Our Services

  • Tired of having your car bay lines repainted every 6 months? Thermoplastic application ensures intersection grade durability for your car park that lasts.

  • When it comes to disabled bays, using thermoplastic is the only choice. Thermoplastic offers numerous benefits that enhance the accessibility and functionality of disabled parking spaces. The high visibility of thermoplastic markings makes it easier for drivers to locate and park in disabled bays, improving accessibility for those who need it most. Additionally, the slip-resistant properties of thermoplastic prioritizes accessibility and safety.

  • When it comes to traffic calming, rubber speed humps are an excellent choice. These humps are constructed using durable rubber materials, ensuring longevity and effectiveness in reducing vehicle speeds. Designed to provide a controlled deceleration, they prioritize the safety of both drivers and pedestrians. Rubber speed humps are versatile and can be easily installed in various locations such as residential areas, parking lots, or school zones. By implementing rubber speed humps, you can promote safer and more responsible driving practices.

  • Rubber wheel stops can be an essential addition to your car park. They're made of durable rubber materials and provide a visible barrier to prevent vehicles from rolling too far into the parking space. These wheel stops enhance safety and organization while maximizing parking space.

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